Johannes Jäger: The European Periphery and Latin American Experiences and Perspectives. Some Remarks on Peripherialization in Europe

In general, peripheral countries have been affected much more strongly by the crisis than those considered central. This has increased the visibility of asymmetries and dependency within Europe, and hence processes of peripherialization. Experiences of the Latin American periphery and theoretical approaches produced in that context therefore provide a useful framework of analysis for the analysis of European peripheries. In addition, in order to deal with the different types of peripheral development and asymmetries within Europe, the regulation approach represents a complementary theoretical framework. Weiterlesen

Fotis Mavromatidis and Jeremy Leaman: German Influence in the Western Balkans: Hegemony by Design or by Default?

The politico-economic relationship between Germany and the Balkan states was, from the end of the nineteenth century, one of unequal interdependence. The strategic value of the Balkan states for an export-dependent and resourcedependent industrial state like Germany was manifest in the Berlin–Bagdhad railway project, two world wars and the close relationship with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The region’s value to Germany’s economic and political elites has been manifest more recently in the wake of Yugoslavia’s disintegration More


Catherine Samary: The Social Stakes of the Great Transformation in the East

The “great capitalist transformation” in the East was characterized by general
forced “privatisations” in a very opaque and unprecedented context. It had to
radically transform the role of money and markets in the whole economy to
permit capital accumulation while getting rid of the existing forms of social
protection and income within the big factories—the core of the bureaucratic
system of production and distribution. More

Jorge Garcia-Arias, Eduardo Fernandez-Huerga, Ana Salvador: European Periphery Crises, International Financial Markets, and Democracy: Moving Towards a Globalized Neofeudalism?

This paper analyzes the origin and causes of the recent economic and financial crises, mainly for the countries located in the periphery of the European Union (EU), as well as their evolution and transformation into social, political, and institutional crises.
After explaining the differential impact of the crises on EU member economies mand critically analysing the unsuccessful orthodox neoclassical policies more

Jan Toporowski: Sweezy and the Monthly Review on Capitalism and Finance

The New York Monthly Review established by Paul Sweezy and Leo Huberman in 1949 represents a unique venture in disseminating Marxist ideas in a way that has been informed by serious economic analysis. In particular it has benefited from the close relationship that Paul Sweezy had with his PhD supervisor at Harvard, Joseph Schumpeter; Sweezy’s own personal knowledge of finance through his father, who was one of five vice-presidents of the New York-based First National Bank (which eventually became Citibank); More

Organisers: Again on the German Dominance

For the first EU experts’s discussion in 2011 Frieder Otto Wolf had elaborated a text on the „Gemeinschaftsmethode“ (Community method) and on the „Unionsmethode“ (Union method). His English text helps to understand the problems and the context as the societal consequences of the ESM treaty and of the Fiscal compact. It helps also to understand what the document „A Fundamental Law“ of the Spinelli group and the Bertelsmann foundation means and should. Please find Frieder Otto Wolfs paper here.

Workshop Organisers: „Wrap Up“

1. A short introduction

We have used and use our international RLF Conference on Rosa Luxemburgs “Accumulation of Capital” for the preparation process of the 4th EU experts’ discussion. More

Andrea Lagna: American Power in the Age of Financialisation: An Appreciation of Peter Gowan’s Contribution to the Field of International Political Economy

According to a recent report published by the European Commission (2013:14), the global financial crisis has only temporarily stopped the economic growth of the United States (US). In fact, the average per-capita income in this country will return to pre-crisis levels during the period 2014-2023. These figures contrast strikingly with the dim forecast concerning European economies. More

Again on “Core” and “Periphery”

The current post should show that the terms “core” and “periphery” have to be regarded in relation to an “imperial division of labour”. The term has been specifically introduced and elaborated by the Hungarian historian Ivan Berend. We have taken it from his book “History Derailed. Central and Eastern Europe in the Long Nineteenth Century” (2003), which we make use of, including quotes from it. More

Workshop Organizers: On the Dominant Role of Germany in the EU

This is the third of the three announced posts; it is on the dominant role of Germany in the European Union. The reason for this is easy: In the discussion on austerity policy and the “anti-crisis-policy” within the EU the extraordinarily destructive role played by Germany is, in fact, referred to and focused upon. This is certainly very understandable, but it is not sufficient. More